
All posts for the month March, 2018

Postojna Cave

Postojna Cave

The latest automated generator I have created for my AD&D 1E campaign is based on the tools for creating random caves and cave systems found in Patrick Stuart and Scrap Princess’s wonderful Veins of the Earth. Specifically, my script creates up to fifty random caves with indications of entrances, exits, distance between caves, etc. A DM can string these entries together to create a natural cave complex more-or-less on the fly.

My script is not a perfect recreation of the VotE system, though, and produces slightly more specific results in terms of cave dimensions and other features that I found necessary for my own use at the table. As Patrick Stuart described it when I shared this tool with him: “you’re kind a crazy because you’ve taken something specifically designed to work through the immediate intuitive spatial relationship of the dice as they are rolled in front of you and turned it into a raw-data readout, which is something I would never do, but, well people are odd and I’m glad you’re happy.”

If that sounds like something that would make you happy — or prove useful in your campaign — give it a try and let me know if you have any suggested improvements!


Sample Output (see generator page for explanation/details):

Cave #2
Width in Appropriate Units: 10″
Length in Appropriate Units: 17″
Height in Appropriate Units: 10″
Entrance Location: Roof
Largest Exit Location: West
Largest Exit Width Size: 7′
Largest Exit Height Size: 6′
Number of Other Exits (Each 1/2 Size of Previous): 5
Directions of Other Exits: Roof East Floor East Floor
Length of Exit Routes (Turns): 1 2 1 1 2 8
